Playdough Recipe- Non Cooking Version.
lets face it.. sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is turning on the stove- so this is for those Brisbane Mums who are feeling that way but still want to make playdough!
Ingredients for Playdough
1 cup plain flour
½ cup salt
1 tbsp of cream of tartar
1tbsp of oil
1 cup of boiling water
A few drops of food colouring
How its done
Mix Together and Knead like you would pastry.
Allow to cool slightly then hand it over the the kids.
What you need to know about making the playdough
Playdough is great for helping develop fine motor skills in kids
Be careful of using boiling water around kids
Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender for an instant sleep aid- or Eucalyptus for colds assistance. (Warning- don’t use any more than one or two drops of 100% pure essential oil- mix in well.)
Add the food colouring in front of the kids and watch their eyes light up as the colour transfers over
Store in an airtight container in the fridge for tons of reuse.
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