Get ready for the ultimate Mother’s Day event. No need to stress about the plans – Kingston Butter Factory (KBF) has curated an incredible day for Mum and the whole family. Enjoy tunes by 7 Sopranos, Bunny Racket, and the Jason Daniels Trio – all for just $5 for adults, kids are free!
Whether you fancy lunch boxes, food trucks, café high tea, or a cozy BYO picnic on the green – Kingston Butter Factory have got it all covered.
Plus, here’s your chance to let Mum know how much you appreciate her: send KBF a video message for Mum before the event and they’ll showcase it on the big screen. Film your message, on your phone or camera and send in the week before the event. (Details on ticketing page)
And that’s not all – capture the moment with free family photos printed by Penny Portraits on the day.
Join a Mother’s Day celebration filled with relaxation, entertainment, and moments you’ll treasure forever.
KBF is right beside Kingston Train Station. Book your free train travel when you book your event tickets!
Mother’s Day Picnic with 7 Sopranos Details
Where: Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct, 270 Jacaranda Avenue, Kingston
When: 12th of May 2024, from midday.
Bookings: Get your tickets online