Art Collection Up Close: Free Art Activities for Kids
Come one come all, all kids big and small to Art Collection up close these school holidays! Visit Redcliffe Art Gallery as the studio is transformed into a fun-filled, mind-expanding activity space for kids. What comes to mind when you think of an artwork? Art can take on many forms, including printing, sculpture and performance. Because of its infinite possibilities, art is an excellent way to learn about ourselves and the places we live in. Come along and meet a few artists from the City of Moreton Bay’s Art Collection. Through their artworks and our free activities, you will learn about the artist’s homes, families, and communities. This family-friendly space will have you thinking about art and why artists create in a whole new way.
Please note: Closed on all public holidays. Closed Monday 25 December to Tuesday 26 December 2023. Closed Monday 1 January 2024.
Art Collection Up Close: Free Art Activities for Kids
When: 25 November – 3 February Open Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm.
Where: Redcliffe Art Gallery
Cost: free
More information: https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Galleries-Museums/Events/RAG/Art-Collection-Up-Close