Physi kids are Brisbane’s most popular choice in children’s sports and fitness!

Physi kids believe healthy active living should begin very early in life. For this to happen, children need to be exposed to experiences that promote exercise through a fun and encouraging environment. Therefore, generating a positive attitude towards physical activity which is what Physi kids is all about!

Active After School Care & Vacation Care Incursions

Physi Kids, school incursions, OSHC incursions

Physi kids are a great choice for OSHC providers because they combine active fun with physical development.

The Physi kids aim is to introduce your child to every aspect of physical development in a fun and encouraging environment. Your children will be introduced to –

  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • AFL
  • Rugby League
  • Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Basketball
  • T-ball
  • Gymnastics
  • Athletics
  • Volleyball
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Bootcamp
  • Yoga

Or why not try one of the following themes for your session –

Fun Sports

  • Tiger tag (catch chasey)
  • Golden Child – Giant ball game
  • Rubber Chicken games
  • Speed Gun (how fast can you run? kick?)
  • Longest kick competition
  • Jumping sack race


  • Scarf tag
  • Limbo
  • Musical hoops
  • Free time with hoops
  • Skipping ropes and big rope
  • Yoga mats for Forward rolls, Handstands and cartwheels
  • Balance beam tricks
  • Balance beam bash
  • Yoga poses, pyramid and partner balance formations


  • Scarf tag
  • Hula Hooping
  • Juggling—scarves, balls, plates
  • Plate Spinning
  • Flower Sticks (also known as devil sticks)
  • Skipping ropes and big rope
  • Acro Balance
  • Group Pyramid


  • Egg & Spoon Races
  • 3 Legged Races
  • Jumping Sack Races
  • Tug-o-war
  • Radar Gun
  • Giant Soccer ball game
  • Jumping sacks

Sporting Schools Program for primary students aged up to 12 years

Physi Kids, school incursions, OSHC incursions

Physi kids can visit your school during school hours with their PE Curriculum-based programs. 

After School Program

Physi kids jumping sack race.

Physi kids after school classes can run for 45 or 60 minutes. Prices start at $150 + GST, and depend on duration, number of children and location.

Please contact Physi kids here for a quote. 

Vacation Care Sessions

Vacation Care Sessions run for 60 minutes. The cost of these sessions are as follows –

  • Up to 30 children = $220 plus GST

If you have more than 30 children, Physi kids will run two sessions back to back and offer a 10% discount.

To book, please visit the Physi kids website or complete a booking form here