Australia is so blessed to have wonderful animals that we can present for your Brisbane Kids to colour in and collage. We have made these templates simple so that they can be used with paint, texta or pencil as well as collage items like nature, paper and material. Colouring in is a great way to develop fine motor skills and a whole lot of fun!
A group of Australian Animals Colouring in
Click on the link to download and print
We also have aboriginal colouring sheets and just colouring sheets for fun!
Sally Burnham
I’m a teacher in Ireland and our theme for the next two weeks is Australia. I’m teaching first class (7-8 year olds). I’ve found some really nice resources on your website; colouring pages, reading comprehensions, art and craft ideas and even recipes. I’m really looking forward to teaching the children in my class all about Australia through your lovely activities.
Thank you so much
Donna L Glunt
Thank you!