Camp Hill Kindergarten is a community based non-profit organisation run by parents for their children. The Centre offers 3 ½ to 4½ year old kindy classes for 5 days per fortnight, either Monday and Tuesday (and alternate Wednesdays) or Thursday and Friday (and alternate Wednesdays). All programs operate 8.30am to 2.35pm, during school terms only.
C&K Kindergarten at Camp Hill
Camp Hill Kindergarten is affiliated with C&K. This means that everything, including staff, educational programs and equipment, is of an approved standard. The centre is operated by a management committee which is elected from the current parent body. The committee is responsible for employing staff, payment of wages, collecting fees, purchasing and maintaining equipment, buildings and grounds.
Camp Hill Kindy staff
The Camp Hill Kindergarten Adult/Child Ratio is a maximum of 22 children in each kindy group, with a qualified early childhood teacher and teaching assistant. All staff are qualified early childhood teachers who have training in interacting with, observing, and planning educational programs for children aged 0 – 8 years.
Waiting lists at Camp Hill Kindergarten & Preschool
A child’s name can be placed on the waiting list from birth. To be eligible, children must turn 4 by 30 June in the year they will attend. A child who is on the waiting list and then attends the centre secures a place for a sibling, provided that the sibling’s name is on the waiting list on or before his/her 2nd birthday, and a place is available.
Educational Program
The overall objective at Camp Hill Kindergarten and Preschool is to encourage children to actively learn, question, think and find out about their world with enthusiasm and confidence. Through daily observations, the staff are able to plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences which respond to individual needs, interests and abilities of each child. The curriculum incorporates a wide variety of learning experiences which…
- Promote social, emotional and physical growth
- Foster active exploration, problem solving and discovery
- Encourage children to make choices and decisions, and to accept responsibility
- Promote acceptance of self and others
Camp Hill Kindergarten & Preschool is located at 71 Wiles Street, Camp Hill.
To find out more about Camp Hill Kindergarten & Preschool, please visit Alternatively, please contact the centre directly on Phone: 07 3398 2524, or Email:
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