BeXD Create runs kids’ drama and singing classes at many locations around Brisbane. Their focus is on building confidence and helping to foster creativity and self-expression in a positive and safe environment. Their aim is that students leave their classes not just being better singers, musicians or actors, but also feeling more confident to answer questions at school, share their own ideas, explore their imagination and make new friends.

Drama Classes

BeXD Create drama classes are a place to play, explore and create! In these drama classes, kids explore their creativity through improvisation and role-playing games, sharing stories, creating characters, art activities and movement games.

If your child is a born performer, these classes will give them a space to hone their skills and release some of their creative energy. Students will have the opportunity to work with scripts and learn basic acting techniques such as blocking, voice projection, and emotional expression. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to learn basic dance and choreography, play improvisation games, and explore their imagination and storytelling abilities. If your child is shy and struggles to talk in social settings, these classes will provide a pathway for them to build confidence. It’s normal for kids to be nervous, and the teachers acknowledge and talk about that. BeXD teachers help new students gradually feel more comfortable with nerves and explain that it is okay to make mistakes. Making mistakes can be scary – that’s true for all of us! For children, the fear of failure can stop them from taking chances, expressing their opinions or from making friends. By giving kids permission to be silly, take creative risks and not be afraid of judgement, these classes foster self-confidence and build skills that kids will use in every aspect of their life, not just on a stage or a film set.

Drama and Singing Classes

BeXD Create young boy rehearsing at microphone.

Combining both art forms is a great way to expand kids’ comfort zones and help them see that trying new things is exciting, not always scary!

Whichever art form your child prefers, BeXD’s teachers approach each lesson as a fun, new experience through a variety of engaging activities. Classes are designed to help kids develop their singing and acting skills while building confidence and making new friends. Students will learn how to sing songs in a group, create characters and enhance their storytelling abilities through song whilst continually learning the fundamentals of acting and stage etiquette. Basic movement and dance choreography will also be covered as these help develop essential tools in body self-awareness and coordination.

BeXD classes are focused on promoting creative fun, self-expression, and building confidence. Their teachers are passionate about fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students and helping each individual develop tools for lifelong learning. Whether your child is a beginner or has previous experience in singing and drama, their classes welcome all skill levels and backgrounds. Join them and discover the joy of singing and acting in a supportive and creative environment.

The BeXD Create Teachers

BeXD Create’s teachers are passionate about fostering an inclusive space in their classes and helping each student develop tools for long-life learning, creativity and self-expression. Their collective experience in the arts industry has taught them that awareness and positive mental health practices are so important for actors, musicians and performers at every age. All of their teachers are experienced and qualified to work with your kids and have impressive backgrounds in education and the arts industry in film, stage acting, musical theatre and singing. You can find more information about individual teachers and their backgrounds via the BeXD Create website.


BeXD Create group of children performing on stage jellyfish.

My youngest been learning Drama with BexD from his prep year. The shy, silent little boy with many challenges I sent to the class blossomed with confidence as he represented his class at school poetry competition just after one term of Drama school. He ended his prep year with an award for Confidence. He now is an active participant of school choir and school plays whilst continuing to learn Drama with BEXD. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our little star. Love you all always!” – Chamini, parent

My son had a fantastic experience attending after school Drama lessons over the last two years in Rochedale. Katie and her team at BeXD have been so supportive, have helped my son to gain confidence, work cooperatively with a team or independently through weekly activities, script work, improvisation and other drama games resulting in exciting end of term performances. It has also been a great way to get to know other children outside school with a love of acting. Highly recommend the BeXD team to anyone looking for a fun, engaging extracurricular for their children!” – Jessica, parent

My child has started with BeXD weekly drama classes in term 2 and has absolutely loved them! It has been a great and safe space for him to express his inner actor. The teachers are fantastic. He also joined in for the school holiday musical workshop and performed in his first on stage production – High School Musical. Not only did he enjoy the week of workshop but LOVED performing for all the families and friends at the end of the week. It was also a great show for the parents to enjoy. Highly recommend BeXD Create!!!” – Renee, Parent

Frequently Asked Questions

BeXD Create drama stage performance.

My child doesn’t want to sing, can they just do drama? Yes, there are exclusively drama classes in Pinjarra Hills and Rochedale.

Can I trial a class before I pay for the whole term? Yes! Paid trial classes are offered before you commit to the whole term. These can be booked via their website.

My child loves to sing or act at home but is very shy in front of others. What can I do to help them? Reach out, ask questions and give it a go. BEXD Create have trial classes for this purpose. It’s normal to feel nervous when we express ourselves in front of others and try new things. Encouragement and validation goes a long way. Often having a place outside the immediate comfort zone (at home/with family) where your child can play with being creative and sharing that creativity in a safe environment is the best thing to help them come out of their shell. It can be uncomfortable to start with and that’s okay. It may not be the right class or the right time for your child and that’s okay too, but BEXD Create encourages everyone to give it a go.

My child has special needs, are these classes suitable? Neurodiverse children are very welcome in these classes. BEXD Create have assistant teachers to offer extra support to any children who need it. These classes are suitable for most physical disabilities, just send an email to double check at

Do I stay with my child during class? Nope! You just drop them off and the teachers take it from there. If you would like to stay and watch, BeXD create highly recommends you join in and fully participate in the class, as they have found if parents sit and watch it can be distracting or make children more shy. We learn by example!

To find out more, including how to arrange your child’s trial class, please visit the BeXD Create website.