Brisbane Kids Brisbane for Kids. Activities, Events and Things to do. Mon, 11 Mar 2024 00:10:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brisbane Kids 32 32 Equus Terra Therapeutic Horse Riding Facility in Brisbane Thu, 20 Jul 2017 04:38:48 +0000 Equus Terra is a Therapeutic Horse riding facility currently located on private land in Yeronga, along Brisbane Corso. The centre specialises in teaching kids and adults with various neurological disorders, like autism, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression and other special needs client (Cerebral Palsy, Hyper-mobility disorders, etc) how to ride horses.

Equss Terra therapeutic horse riding

Therapeutic Horse Riding in Brisbane

Equus Terra’s one-on-one sessions can help provide significant improvement with:

  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Sensory integration and skills
  • Posture, balance and mobility
  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Communication and social skills

Equss Terra therapeutic horse riding

Registered NDIS provider

After two years in operation as a specialised facility, Equus Terra is a registered NDIS provider, and a registered provider of Ready, Set, Trot program run by Equestrian Australia and supported by Australian Sports Commission. They are also a registered centre for the Special Olympics (four of their athletes participated in the SO State Championships, winning 4 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze medals, now awaiting on the Queensland team selection for National Championships to be followed by Special Olympics World Games). Equus Terra has been featured a few times in the local City South News newspaper and also, on ABC News –

Equss Terra therapeutic horse riding

Partnerships with educational facilities

At this stage, Equus Terra has had nearly 100 riders who have participated in their program, with weekly attendance of 40-50 students. The centre also partners with Mansfield State High School and Barrett Adolescent Centre: their students participate in a therapeutic riding program, and the centre also works with QUT Faculty of Learning, providing a place for volunteers to do their community pre-service training, learning about autism and anxiety.

Equus Terra is a winner of the National Award for Best Activity/Class for Children with Additional Needs, run by What’s On 4 Kids.

The Lab | Technology Clubs for Autistic Children & Young People Thu, 20 Jul 2023 03:05:50 +0000 The Lab is a not-for-profit network of technology clubs for Autistic children and young people. It is somewhere Autistic young people can feel safe, accepted and connected while doing activities they love. They might play games, code, or make videos – supported by mentors with a shared passion for tech and gaming. Lab Mentors connect with participants and support them to connect with each other.

What is The Lab?

The Lab participants and mentor with laptops at table.

The Lab is a tech and games based social experience for young people aged 8-18+ years, where the goal is to have fun and make friends.

The Lab offers an environment for your child to explore their interests in computers and technology with mentors who have passion and expertise in the same areas. The Lab is participant-led, meaning that your child is able to explore their interests on their own terms. There is no requirement to do any particular activity at any particular time, so your child can engage in activities because they want to, not because they have to. In our two-hour, weekly Lab sessions, your child will be supported by Lab mentors to engage in solo or group activities.

Activities can include:

  • Playing games
  • 3D design
  • Animation
  • Coding
  • Making games
  • Digital art

A social experience for your child

The Lab mentors smiling with student.

Surrounded by mentors and like-minded peers with shared interests, your child will have plenty of opportunities to connect with others and develop their social skills. Lab Mentors have enthusiasm for your child’s interests and will always help your child feel heard and accepted. In this accepting environment, your child can work with others, build relationships and enhance their self-esteem as and when they are ready. Lab Mentors are always there to help your child build their confidence and engagement.

A supportive and positive social experience

The Lab mentor and child with Nintendo Switch.

The Lab is a strengths-based program meaning that it works from the aptitude and passion that participants have for games and technology. The Lab becomes a supportive and positive social experience based on what participants love to do most: playing games and talking about games and technology with their friends. The Lab is social skills experience based on participants’ own interests.

Join a session at The Lab

The Lab participants with gaming controllers.

The Lab’s approach is unstructured and does not have expectations of specific education or technology outcomes. All Labs are organised locally and applications are made directly to a Lab nearest to you. Some Labs are associated with larger organisations who manage or auspice The Lab, and some Labs are organised by individuals or small groups of parents or carers in their local area.

Many Lab venues offer a free trial period where participants can attend a session and then pay if they decide to continue. Following this, session fees are kept as low as possible in line with The Lab’s not for profit status.


The Lab participant listening to mentor.

My son looks forward to the Lab every week and in a world full of anxiety and peer rejection, this is a bit of lifeline we cling to. For me, the Lab allows me to connect with other parents in the same situation. It’s a fabulous network of ideas, experiences and compassion.” – Parent

The Lab has taken this experience of gaming that most people see as an anti-social thing, and they’ve made it social. The boys are communicating, talking about their interests and are really excited to go every week. They are also able to practice skills that they are learning through other therapies like speech therapy, and adding on to those skills that they are learning elsewhere in a really safe environment.” – Parent

I like to socialise with people through something. That’s something that you get to do at The Lab, especially with people you don’t know. Chucked in a room with people you don’t know and you can socialise with them through Minecraft and Roblox and like weeks later you go, Hey, I want to be this guys friend. you know. I definitely have a good time when I go there.” – Participant

To find out more and to join a club near you, please visit The Lab’s website.

Clinical music therapy services for children of all abilities Tue, 23 Oct 2018 01:09:02 +0000 Music Beat Therapy Services offers mobile music therapy services for children of all abilities across greater Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and the Moreton Bay region.

Music Beat offers group and individual music therapy sessions from Monday to Saturday in the areas of early childhood development, disability and rehabilitation. Their music therapy program provides a focus on sensory integration, motor planning, emotional regulation, communication, social skills and general development.

Music Beat Therapy Services offers different therapeutic options to suit your family’s needs, from one off sessions at home or at your child’s school, block therapy sessions during school terms or group music therapy sessions. Their therapists are Registered Music Therapists, having each completed a Masters in Music Therapy and are registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association. Music Beat Therapy Services is a registered service provider for NDIS participants and a HCWA (Helping Children with Autism) approved provider.

Music Beat Therapy Services also offers group and individual music therapy programs to schools, respite centres, disability services and community organisations.

Music Beat Therapy Services, music therapy for children

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is different from music education and entertainment as it focuses on health, functioning and wellbeing. Music therapy is the therapeutic application of music and neuroscience on cognitive, motor, and sensory functions and development.

Music therapists use elements of music (beat, rhythm, pitch etc.) plus neuroscience (music’s effect on the brain) to encourage the development of communication, cognition, motor skills, sensory integration and social skills.

At Music Beat Therapy Services, their staff support these outcomes through musical play and a fun activities. Children don’t realise how hard their brains are working because they are too busy playing and having fun!

Music Beat Therapy Services, music therapy for children

Benefits of music therapy for kids with disabilities

Music therapy is such a fantastic tool for encouraging a child’s development of important skills in areas such as cognition, communication, movement, sensory integration, and social awareness. For kids with special needs, music therapy can help improve speech and communication, develop fine and gross motor through playing musical instruments, help with social skills development, assist with behaviour management and enhance their social and emotional wellbeing.

To learn more about how music therapy can benefit your child please visit the Music Beat Therapy Services website.

Please visit the Music Beat Therapy Services website to complete the enquiry form that is relevant to your situation and one of the Music Beat Therapy Services team will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Everyday Independence NDIS Therapy Service Tue, 30 May 2023 01:17:52 +0000 Everyday Independence is a NDIS therapy service provider with over 25 years’ experience in supporting people achieve more positive life change. They offer occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, early childhood supports, positive behaviour support and habit coaching.

About Everyday Independence

Everyday Independence delivers therapy using a team-based, community approach. This means they come to you where you live, work, learn and play as it’s the best way to build your skills, and change community attitudes that may be holding you back.

They can help you understand why a team of practitioners with diverse training and life perspectives is best equipped to help you achieve positive life change.

The best way to maximise your NDIS budget is to measure and regularly review your progress in four areas: independence, participation, wellbeing and supports.

Everyday Independence will help you accelerate your outcomes with cost-effective habit coaching to practice your new routines and skills between therapy sessions.

Everyday Independence smiling family with young child.

Early Childhood – up to 7 years

The early years are critical for children’s development. Those diagnosed with autism, delayed in developing language or other skills, struggling to engage with peers or participate physically benefit from support to develop independence, greater participation and a sense of wellbeing.

Being able to play with other kids, becoming more independently active or being better able to express needs at childcare are typical outcomes parents seek for their young children.

Key workers at Everyday Independence who are experienced professionals in early childhood development help parents and other caregivers understand their child’s unique needs and what’s possible with the right supports. They deliver most of your early childhood support including coordinating the services of the broader therapy team which may include occupational and physiotherapists, speech pathologists, positive behaviour support practitioners and habit coaches.

Therapy support for young children may focus on:

  • Self-care skills such as getting dressed, feeding themselves, toileting
  • Teaching how to interact with others and make friends
  • Developing communication skills
  • Prescribing assistive technology and equipment to make everyday tasks easier
  • Access to group programs for parents and for children

Children – 7 years and older

Primary school-aged children with a disability or illness can struggle with school, family and community life. They may need to learn new skills and how to engage with others or assistance to overcome physical and social barriers. Everyday Independence provides whatever therapeutic support is required to build children’s everyday independence, participation in everyday community life, and wellbeing.

Sometimes group sessions are the best way to socially interact with peers and practise social skills. Group sessions can also enable parents and teachers to learn proven strategies that help equip them to create positive change in children’s lives.

Therapy support for children may focus on:

  • Getting themselves ready for school
  • Developing hobbies or interests
  • Coping with challenging situations that spark strong emotions
  • Making the most of learning opportunities and making friends at school
  • Prescribing assistive technology that enables them to learn or participate
  • Lego Social Skills and Building Connections group programs.

Teenagers – 12 to 18 years

Transitioning through adolescence and facing the move away from parents and school is a period when people living with disability need all kinds of support to become more independent, participate in more everyday activities with their peers, and feel more positive about their lives.

Key transitions that often trigger the need for this support include the move from primary to secondary school, from high school to further study, finding a job, or moving out of the home.

Working alongside teenagers at home, in the community or in structured social settings, Everyday Independence provides whatever therapeutic support is needed to create positive change for the rest of their lives.

Therapy support for teenagers may focus on:

  • Building resilience and independence
  • Developing hobbies and interests
  • Being fit and healthy
  • Developing and maintaining friendships
  • Working and studying with a disability
  • Assistive technology and modified environments
  • Transitioning to work
  • Living independently.

Adults – Through all life stages

Adults aged up to 65 with a disability require support to independently manage everyday activities, participate actively in community life and experience positive wellbeing. Whether affected by illness, injury or a life-long condition, supporting adults to be safe, included, and meaningfully engaged are key to realising positive life outcomes.

Moving into a new home or job, staying fit and healthy, finding meaningful and rewarding ways to spend their time, or managing behaviour to avoid restrictive responses and damaged relationships can be supported. Everyday Independence enables adults to do things that are meaningful to them, make their own positive life choices, and find social places where they feel respected and included.

Everyday Independence smiling mother and daughter.


Hayley has been amazing and super helpful. She has been able to transition our autistic child into a special school and really taken the stress out of parenting a special needs child. Recommended to anyone seeking help on their journey.” – Kirsty Ryan

Very supportive and attuned to my son’s needs to help, encourage and educate by building up his skills.” – Dee Raphael

Everyday Independence were so supportive helping my family through a difficult time while transitioning my disabled sister into suitable accommodation. I would highly recommend their services.” – Caroline Booth

Frequently asked questions

How will the Key Worker Model (for children up to seven years of age) benefit my child and family? Everyday Independence’s key worker model provides one single point of contact for all of your child’s services with them. Your key worker gets to know you and your child, provides tailored strategies and services to meet your needs and is always mindful of your child and family’s wellbeing. This ensures that your supports are modified and changed as your child’s needs change.

Who are Early Childhood Key Workers? Everyday Independence’s key workers are dedicated to helping children with disabilities and their families achieve their desired outcomes. Key workers are teachers or allied health professionals with experience in early childhood development and can be trained as:

  • Early childhood teachers
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech pathologists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Social workers

What’s an Early Childhood Child and Family Support Plan? If your child and family is receiving early childhood supports, a key worker will develop a Child and Family Support Plan. This plan outlines the specific strategies and supports your family needs to achieve your outcomes. Your key worker will review your Child and Family Support plan together with you each year and adjust the goals and strategies as needed.

What’s their commitment to child safety? At Everyday Independence, they’re committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of children. They believe all children, regardless of age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity, have the right to protection from harm, risk of harm neglect and abuse.

They’ve embedded their commitment to keeping children safe into the way they deliver their services and their culture. 

Do they provide Functional Capacity Assessments? Yes, Everyday Independence can provide you with a functional capacity assessment (FCA). FCAs are conducted by occupational therapists. The report describes and rates a person’s level of participation and support needs across life tasks and the factors in the person’s social and physical environment that can enhance everyday functioning. The report can also include information about funding support required to enable goal achievement. Everyday Independence can also provide home and living and specialised disability housing assessments.

Do they assess people’s eligibility to enter the NDIS? No, Everyday Independence does not provide assessments or reports to support people’s eligibility to enter the NDIS. 

Do they provide services to private customers? Everyday Independence accepts referrals for privately paying customers/participants who want to work with a team of therapists (minimum two disciplines) and a habit coach to practise routines and skills development between therapy sessions. If you are seeking a single therapy service such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology or positive behaviour support, Everyday Independence is happy to take your request for service and will do their best to accommodate based on practitioner availability in your area. Note: The private rate is the same as the NDIS rate.

To find out more, please visit the Everyday Independence website.

Empowerall Abilities – Group Activities For NDIS Participants Tue, 21 Nov 2023 05:52:02 +0000 Empowerall Abilities, a family business founded by two dedicated Brazilian educators, addresses the vital need for inclusive group activities for individuals with disabilities. Committed to creating a positive environment, we offer engaging experiences, fostering community, skill development, and joy for participants of all abilities. Rooted in Brazil’s vibrant culture, they provide opportunities for NDIS participants to enhance physical fitness, music, social skills, creativity, cultural awareness, and self-confidence.

All Abilities Capoeira

Empowerall Abilities drumming group.

All Abilities Capoeira is a martial art deeply rooted in Brazil’s history. For over 30 years, this transformative practice has thrived, drawing inspiration from the Afro-Brazilian culture that gave birth to Capoeira. Originating as a form of self-expression for enslaved Africans in Brazil, Capoeira evolved into a dynamic art that is now a celebration of culture, inclusivity, and community.

Inclusive Journey: At All Abilities Capoeira, the doors are open to everyone, regardless of age or ability. Beginners and seasoned participants alike find a welcoming space to explore self-discovery, physical empowerment, and rhythmic expression. Empowerall Abilities’ experienced instructors guide participants through the basics, fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

Capacity Building for NDIS Participants: Beyond the movements, All Abilities Capoeira focuses on capacity building for NDIS participants. Community engagement, health and wellbeing activities, and social skills development are integral parts of the program, providing a holistic approach to personal growth.

Rhythmic Harmony: The heartbeat of Capoeira lies in its music. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of traditional instruments like the berimbau, pandeiro, and atabaque. Learn the art of singing and clapping hands in unison, creating a communal experience that adds a unique layer to the Capoeira journey.

Brazilian Impact: For three decades, inclusive Capoeira has made a positive impact in Brazil, empowering individuals with disabilities and offering an alternative for children to stay off the streets. All Abilities Capoeira continues this legacy, contributing to a supportive and inclusive community.

UNESCO Recognition: Capoeira’s recognition by UNESCO speaks to its cultural importance. All Abilities Capoeira proudly preserves and shares this heritage, making it accessible to a diverse range of participants.

Who is Empowerall Abilities?

Empowerall Abilities two children capoeira.

Empowerall Abilities brings the vibrant and positive energy of Brazilian culture to Australia. They’re proud to highlight the exceptional social skills of the Brazilian people, creating an inclusive environment. What sets them apart is their unique training by a seasoned Capoeira teacher in Brazil, with a remarkable 30-year experience in Inclusive Capoeira. Empowerall Abilities is excited to introduce this dynamic and inclusive practice for the first time ever in Australia.


Empowerall Abilities capoeira in Brazil.

Bianca has cerebral palsy and she used to have a lot of involuntary moves, now she is able to control her movements. I can say that she is 90% better with Capoeira.” – Vera Lucia (Bianca’s mother)

I used to just sat inside the house, I was a little bit sedentary, but with the practice of Capoeira I lost a lot of weight and now I can walk holding onto the walls without assistance. I have a better quality of life now thanks to Capoeira, I have good friends here and I think I wouldn’t be who I’m today if weren’t them.” – Stefany

He started to do things that even I couldn’t believe. I say to all my friends: Let’s go, you will like it and see joy on these children’s face and how it will be good for their self-esteem.” – Flavia (Fabricio’s mother)

To find out more about this inspiring program, please visit the Empowerall Abilities website.

Children’s Nursing Queensland In Home Paediatic Care Mon, 30 Jan 2023 01:13:01 +0000 Do you have a child with complex health or disability needs?

Children’s Nursing Queensland understand that finding appropriate community nursing care for paediatric patients within Queensland can be difficult. There is now a specific private nursing service to cater to children’s needs in their own homes.

Children’s Nursing Queensland is the first paediatric-specific nursing service to support children living in their community withspeciality paediatric nurses staff. With a focus on avoiding unnecessary hospital visits and supporting children to thrive in their own home with their family right by their side, CNQ ensures your child is their priority.

What does Children’s Nursing Queensland do?

Childrens Nursing Queensland Nat & Lisa.

Children’s Nursing Queensland offers paediatric nursing services to children in their own homes with various clinical and assessment skills to cover various needs. Telehealth consultations are available to those who live outside of South East Queensland. Their Clinical Nurse Consultants are also Registered Stomal Therapists who can offer support with the following:

  • Feeding tubes, gastrostomy, jejunostomy, PEG and nasogastric tubes
  • Bowel and bladder stomas
  • (including colostomies, ileostomies, urostomies and vesicostomies)
  • Continence stomas (including Mitrofanoff’s, MACE’s and chaits)
  • Pressure injuries and complex wound care
  • Complex continence needs including catheter changes
  • Continence assessments and management
  • Assist NDIS participants to obtain appropriate support and funding through comprehensive
  • specialist nursing assessments
  • Education and support for schools, early learning centres, support workers and respite facilities

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

NDIS participants are welcome to get in touch for assistance with comprehensive assessments to ass ist with ensuring they have sufficient documentation for appropriate funding to meet their needs. Specialist nursing and continence assessments can be completed by experienced Clinical Nurse Consultants and Stomal Therapists. Assessments are completed to ensure children receive appropriate care plans, consumables, funding and focuses on practical recommendations to support your child.

Education and information for educators and carers

Children’s Nursing Queensland can provide education and information for early learning centres, schools and support workers to support children to attend social and educational opportunities in a safe manner. Education and information can be provided for a specific child or in a general manner on the following topics:

  • Tube feeding, including gastrostomy, nasogastric tubes
  • Stoma care and management
  • Catheterisation and other continence needs
  • Other topics relevant to a specific child’s needs

What makes them stand out?

Childrens Nursing Queensland staff with young child.

Children’s Nursing Queensland is the only paediatric-specific nursing team in Queensland that is staffed by specialist children’s nurses and Stomal Therapists. The team all have extensive experience in a world-class paediatric hospital with specific experience caring for children with the following conditions:

  • Spina bifida and other congenital spinal cord conditions
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Acquired and traumatic brain injury
  • Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and Hirschsprung disease
  • Anorectal malformations
  • Complex surgical requirements
  • Limb difference and amputation
  • Conditions leading to complex wounds and pressure injuries

In Home Paediatic Care you can trust

“Our initial contact with CNQ was at a very isolating time of year, CNQ were there to reassure us and scheduled an appointment so that we didn’t have to face ED”

“kind and friendly, very informative and understanding of our daughters complex need”

“Her report was so thorough and comprehensive, it has already helped her doctors and allied health team greatly moving forward. We have no hesitation in recommending CNQ. And we will continue to use their service in the future”

How to get in touch with Children’s Nursing Queensland

Families are welcome to contact Children’s Nursing Queensland directly to discuss their child’s needs and book a consultation. Telehealth appointments are available nationally and face to face appointments are available throughout South East Queensland. Find out more about them at

Ruby and Ollie’s All Abilities Care Wed, 03 May 2017 09:45:21 +0000 Ruby and Ollie’s help support parents and caregivers by offering quality and empathetic care to children from pre-school to school completion.

Specialised Child Care in Centre, Community and Home

The Ruby and Ollie’s Vision is to see every child and young person, no matter their diagnosis or prognosis, to have access to a supportive, nurturing and empathetic service.

With every child they support, their mission is also to support the siblings, parents, caregivers and extended family. With lived experience, strong networks and dedicated and passionate staff, Ruby and Ollie’s are there to support you.


A service for kids in Brisbane with differing abilities and additional needs

What Ruby and Ollie’s offer:

  • Support to children with mild to complex needs;
  • School Readiness Programs;
  • Before and After School Care;
  • Vacation Care;
  • Youth Group;
  • Saturday Dance and Friendship Groups;
  • In-Home Support;
  • Community Access Support;
  • Social and Community Participation


Ruby and Ollie’s Locations

  • Alexandra Hills
  • Beenleigh
  • Coomera
  • Currumbin
  • MacKenzie
  • Thornlands

and surrounding suburbs

Contact Ruby and Ollie’s

To find out more, please visit the Ruby and Ollie’s website, contact Ruby and Ollie’s via email at, or phone (07) 2113 4478. You can also check out what’s happening on the Ruby and Ollie’s Facebook page

Inclusive School Holiday Program | Nature Freedom Thu, 24 Aug 2023 01:23:05 +0000 Inclusive environmental & outdoor activities for all ages

Calling all nature and adventure-loving families! Nature Freedom is a not-for-profit social enterprise organisation for people with disabilities and mental health conditions to find their meaningful access and participation to nature and outdoor activities.

Who is Nature Freedom?

Nature Freedom aims to ensure that young people with disabilities have an opportunity to experience the activities that other young people experience. Young people with disabilities deserve the opportunity to be included in activities and interact with nature.

Nature Freedom uses an inclusive and accessible natural environment to create a platform for social inclusion. Social connection is important for young people with disabilities and mental health issues to experience.  It gives them the chance to explore passions and shared common interests among others.

Nature Freedom focuses on natural environments to maximise environmental awareness and the benefits of protecting the natural environment. This gives participants, from all walks of life, a sense of purpose and inclusiveness.  It stirs their passions to help save the natural environment from destruction.

Inclusive School Holiday Programs – April 2024

Logan City Council’s KRANK program – April 2024

Nature Freedom is a proud provider for both the Logan City Council’s KRANK school holidays and Live Well Logan Programs for the residents of Logan City Council.

Wednesday 3rd April – Inclusive Green Thumbs & Crafts – 1:30pm to 3:30pm – Greenbank Community Centre

Moreton Bay Region’s Active Holidays Program – April 2024

Nature Freedom is a proud provider for Healthy and Active Moreton’s Active Holidays Program.

Tuesday 2nd April – Nature Journaling – 1:30pm to 3:30pm – Caboolture Regional Environmental Education Centre

Thursday 4th April – Scavenger Hunt & Bushwalking – 1:30pm to 3:30pm – Kumbartcho Sanctuary

Brisbane City Council’s Active & Healthy Program – April 2024

Nature Freedom is a proud provider for Brisbane City Council’s Active & Healthy Program.

Tuesday 2nd April – Nature Card Making – 9:30am to 11:30am – Boondall Wetlands Environmental Centre

Wednesday 3rd April – Being A Green Thumb – 9:30am to 11:30am – Karawatha Forest

Thursday 4th April – Nature Journaling – 9:30am to 11:30am – Downfall Creek Bushland Centre

To book in for any of Nature Freedom’s school holiday programs above, please visit the Nature freedom website.

The history of Nature Freedom

Nature Freedom was founded by a young adult named Mathew Townsend. Mathew was excluded from many adventure activities through his school and university years due to his own disabilities. He felt socially isolated, anxious, and depressed for not being able to achieve and maintain his passions about protecting the environment and enjoying nature.

Disability prejudice is a huge issue for many people with disabilities. Trying to find purpose in their lives, making friendships and relationships, and finding employment opportunities is a day-to-day struggle. Mathew was lucky enough to find his passion for creating citizen science projects especially weed weaving, as well as going on adventures such as canoeing, hiking, camping, and swimming.

In the outdoor sector, he found that the lack of opportunity for inclusive and accessible activities is an issue, therefore, people with disabilities and mental health issues don’t get the chance to explore nature through recreational activity. Nature Freedom tries to minimise the barriers from those accessing the outdoor activities. They provide support services with co-designed elements that enable all participants to have the same shared experiences.

To find out more information about Nature Freedom, or if you are interested in joining them, please check out or contact

Treasures ASD Swim Program Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:00:41 +0000 Children with autism are often drawn to water, but many find participating in swimming lessons very challenging, for many different reasons. Now, Hampton Swim School and Gateway Therapies have come together to develop a specialised program designed to help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to take part in and really enjoy swimming lessons. Such classes have never before been offered in Brisbane, and they are sure to be extremely popular!

The Treasures ASD Swim Program is designed to help children with autism not just learn to swim, but also to enjoy the water, be safe, and enjoy the many benefits swimming has to offer.

Swim Program for Kids with ASD

About the Treasures ASD Swim Program

The program has been developed using best practice principles and utilises a multi-step approach to introducing children on the spectrum to learn to swim classes. Established by director Julia Ham from Hampton Swim School and director Nicole Grant from Gateway Therapies, the program brings together expert swim instruction with a wealth of professional experience helping children with ASD. As such, the program participants will benefit from the combined experience and expertise of the founders.

Julia’s experience includes a passion and love of swimming from a young age, all the way through to competing for Australia in major international championships. She established Hampton Swim School in 1999, and with over 15 years in operation, it is renowned for its strong focus on child development and teaching philosophies.

Nicole is an occupational therapist who recently submitted a PhD thesis focussing on helping parents of children newly diagnosed with autism to make intervention decisions. She owns and manages Gateway Therapies in Carina, which specialises in helping children with autism.

Both directors are parents themselves and are both passionate about helping families to get the most out of life.

Swim Program for Kids with ASD

About the Swim School

Hampton Swim School has three locations: Oxford Street in Bulimba, Pashen Street in Morningside and Hipwood Street in Norman Park.

At Hampton Swim School, their certified instructors are passionate about not only providing essential water safety and life skills, but ensuring positive experiences for each child. Their tailored programs are aimed at developing the ‘whole’ child, and they are nationally and internationally recognised experts in swim program and whole child development.

Swim Program for Kids with ASD

How to Enrol

Julia and Nicole are excited to announce that expressions of interest for enrolments in the Treasures Program are now being accepted.

For more information or to lodge your expression of interest, you can contact Hampton Swim School on 3399 2004.
